Religious conversion, identity and belonging 5 Interviews

A number of families in Syria have branches that over the years have associated with different religious sects. This collection of six interviews conducted in Arabic reflects on the impact of such conversions and identities on one’s sense of belonging within a family and within Syrian society.

Mahmoud Zidan

Mahmoud Zidan is a retired engineer from Tartous. The transcript of this interview, and all the interviews within this collection, have not yet been translated...

Jamal Hniedi

The transcript of this interview, and all the interviews within this collection, have not yet been translated to English. Should you have the capacity to...

Lobana Aljundi

The transcript of this interview, and all the interviews within this collection, have not yet been translated to English. Should you have the capacity to...

Eman Soliman

The transcript of this interview, and all the interviews within this collection, have not yet been translated to English. Should you have the capacity to...

Samar Alyousef

The transcript of this interview, and all the interviews within this collection, have not yet been translated to English. Should you have the capacity to...